How Consistently Going to the Gym Improves Your Life Beyond Fitness

gym weights and bikeHow Consistently Going to the Gym Improves Your Life Beyond Fitness


Working out.
Going to the gym.
Start that diet.
Get fit. Blah blah blah.

I will admit it proudly right now. I am a gym person. I have always been a gym person. Now, that does not mean I look like THAT gym lady. I am not a walking Athleta commercial. I don’t have abs for days or a butt only created with Instagram filters. I’m not cute with just a light glow of sweat while performing impressively endless cardio or yoga.

I am the other kind.

I’m that muscular woman under a barbell who is so drenched in sweat, she looks like she crawled out of a lake. I am the person contorting her face into ugly visions with every lift.  I am that woman who is hella strong, but always has a belly fat roll cuz where else would I store all those brownies I ate?

I don’t workout to be hot. I workout to be strong. However, I’m here to tell you there are other benefits to going to the gym and none of them have anything to do with looking fit. Looking fit is great and all. But it has no bearing on if you actually are fit. And it says nothing about your inner or emotional health.

5 Ways Consistently Going to the Gym Improves Your Life Beyond Fitness


Discipline in Life
Working on routine and strength requires goals and working toward those goals. Even if you never achieve your goal, you still learned a little bit about discipline. With this approach you win even when you don’t win.

Yes, the same feel good endorphins everyone says give you a boost.
These improve happiness, and act as a natural antidepressant. Even a 20 minute walk can release endorphins.

Camaraderie with fellow gym goers, building relationships, etc.
Making gym buddies, even casually, can improve your self-confidence and make you feel more connected. Feeling connected means feeling less alone. Even if it was just a nod to another regular. You are part of a crew, not matter how loosely it is held together.

Improved strength leads to improved self-confidence.
Aside from the fact that being strong means life is easier, being strong makes you feel bigger and better internally. The sense of independence that comes with opening the jars and carrying the water softener salt yourself is immense. Your sense of “I got this” grows exponentially and bleeds into other parts of your life.

Methodical Consistency
Say what now? Methodical consistency creates ritual and routine. Ritual and routine makes many humans feel safer. It can be soothing and can reduce anxiety simply by being part of a comfortable routine. Repetition becomes automatic. It is a task that eventually requires very little mental load so it can become very relaxing.


There you. Hit the gym. But not to be “hot” or lose 10 pounds or have an envious figure.
Do it to be strong.
Do it to relax.
Do it for confidence, esteem, and mental fortitude.
Do it to feel good.
Even if you never see physical results, you can be proud that you are doing something holistically good for you. Do some yoga, go for a walk, hit the weights, whatever you like. And let yourself enjoy it.

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