Wall Art: Minimalism or Maximalism?

full moon art print in living room


Take the plunge. Put something on your wall.

Some of us can suffer a bit of analysis paralysis when it comes to home decor, especially if it involves investing in art. Art can sometimes be expensive. Even unlimited prints can be costly for us regular people. I certainly don’t consider choosing a $300 print to be a small decision. Heck, I find myself often stuck just staring at a blank canvas. Filling a blank wall is a big deal.

I say break the process down by deciding first, what style you are going for in your home. Do you like clean lines and a serene atmosphere? Or do you love the visual interest created by vignettes and styles coming together? In other words, are you a minimalist or a maximalist?

woods pine tree art in living room

As the extreme minimalism trend is winding down currently, most of you are probably familiar with the minimal look. Uncluttered spaces, clean lines, empty surfaces, negative space, and monochromatic art in limited quantities. Minimalism is peaceful for many people, especially in a world consumed with…..well…..consumerism.
As a busy mother of many children, and a rather chaotic daily life, I find myself drawn more and more to a minimalist vibe. Maybe it is to combat all the kid sneakers and plastic toys.

However, a lot of us like a little more stuff around. A little bit more in the realm of decor can create a homey environment that seems more comfortable. Not to mention, allowing more into your home is simply more realistic for most of us with families.

maximalist art collecting


If you are drawn to gallery walls filled with quirky and eclectic works of art, photos, knick knacks, shelves, and momentos, you might be a maximalist. And that’s cool.
Maximalist style had its most recent heyday around 2008. (In my opinion for the regular masses anyway.)
It was very trendy to make gallery walls of brightly painted frames, chunky textures, and derailed artwork. Maximalism is very visually stimulating and some people are more creatively inspired in a busy room.
If you are less inspired and more likely distracted, then maximalism might not be your jam.

Deciphering if you are more a mini a list or maximalist is fairly simple. What are you drawn to? How do you live your life? Don’t try to follow a trend for the sake of trendiness. Make your decor style a reflection of YOU.

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