Moving is nothing new to our household. We have spent the past 15 years living as nomads for the most part, and moved a ton as kids as well. In my mid thirties, and I’ve never had to opportunity to decorate a room yet. While this makes creating a home difficult, it makes another move more simple. We just do not have much stuff. Mostly art, trunks, plants, and outdoor gear. Packing up the latter items is easy when you can find boxes. Plants and art are a little more complicated.
I liken the plants and art to our cats and kids in a way. They must be gingerly cared for. They cannot be placed in a box and tucked away. They’re needy, and fragile, and begging for attention. Looking at these items and wondering to whom to bestow responsibility for their care just makes me more nervous about having no place to live. I’m too old and have too many things and people depending on me now. The carefree life of my twenties is long gone and in its place I am concerned about such silly things like putting a roof over our children’s heads and making sure our family has stability.
I am struggling with this transition. Maybe because I am pregnant. Maybe because I need an address to register my son for school. Or maybe I am just a grown up now and sick of living like a college student. Either way, I picture that cactus jostling around in a box, spilling dirt and getting uprooted. If a plant had feelings, I could relate.

During one of the many moves I made as a kid we unpacked and found a cactus a mover had wrapped up and shoved in a box! it survived weeks in storage somewhere while we lived in a hotel and went on to live a long time more. I don’t recommend it but cacti at least are quite hardy. Hang in there! Hope you find a new place soon.
Funny! One of my grandma’s friend found a snake plant in her dark attic once without knowing how long it had been there. It was still alive and she kept it so for a few more years. Amazing how tough some plants can be while others shrivel.
I feel your pain! My husband’s contracts are 18 months, and we’ve been moving all along the I95 corridor for the past few years. I’m an Air Force BRAT, so moving’s nothing new to me, but I hope we can figure out where we want to be over the next year (we just moved 3 weeks ago), as moving with kiddos is a little more difficult. Good luck with your move & transition!
Thank you! It is amazing how much more stuff you can have with little kids. lol.